Sunday 29 September 2013

Pay day Beauty & Skincare Haul

As much as I love my products I very rarely get to go out and buy more than two products on a whim (being an adult is boring with things like bills!). But this month I decided to treat myself, my haul consists of things that have been on my 'want' list for a while and some where an impulse buy.

The first thing that has been on my wish list for a while now is the Bare Minerals Ready Foundation £25.00 - Boots. I have never tried any of there products but after doing some research for a new foundation i decided this sounded just what I needed. I am currently using the Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation, I have been using this for nearly a year and when I very first started using it I LOVED it! But unfortunately it does not last on my skin and my face turns into a grease pit after a few hours wear. The Ready foundation is supposed to be amazing for oily/spot prone skin, with medium to full coverage. I plan on doing a full review when I have tested it out for a bit longer. I have used it today and my first impressions are very good, it went on amazingly well, it feels like I have nothing on my skin but gives me the medium to full coverage that I like. So all in all I am happy with this purchase!

Secondly is the£2 Bare Minerals Prime Time Oil Control £21.50 - Boots. Now this wasn't on my wish list as such but after I attended my MAC masterclass the other day, the makeup artist really recommended using a primer. I know there has been a lot of hype about primers for a while now but I have not really ventured into that area. I always felt like i didn't want to overload my skin with products as it is oily enough! But Reeta the lovely makeup artist explained in detail the reasons for primers and it actually made a lot of sense so I went out and bought this one, what can I say, I am easily persuaded. Again, I tried this out today along with the Ready Foundation and I really like it.

Next up was the Bare Minerals Presiscion face brush £19.00 - Boots. This is the small retractable one, they do a larger one which is about £25.00 but I thought this was perfect just to throw in my bag without it getting dirty and grubby. This is the brush that is recommended being used with the ready foundation. You can use the classic Bare Minerals buffing brush but this is if you want to Lighter coverage, which I didn't so I opted for this one.

I fancied a more pinky blush, so when browsing in superdrug this blush from Loreal caught my eye. It is the Loreal True Match blush in True Rose it cost £7.99. This was another whim product, I don't really know why I bought it as I have blushers coming out my ears (never really got the expression) but I do like it as its not too light and not too dark.

I may be a little late on the bandwagon with this one as well but i finally gave in and bought the Benefit They're Real mascara. I have put it off for so long as I really did not want to pay that much a mascara (£19.50). I do really love my Maybelline The falsies and nothing has really competed. But oh dear...I used this mascara this morning and its bloody great! I can now see why there has been alot of hype. I just don't know if i can justify always paying this price for it. I kinda wish I hadn't tried it now. The length and volume it added to my lashes was incredible! will post full review with pics soon.

Last but by no means least was the Breathe of Fresh air toner Lush - £7.50. I bought the smaller bottle of this a few months ago and I am very close to running out which panicked me immensely as I just love it. My Liz Earle Skin Tonic was my favourite toner until this little beauty came in the picture. For people with oily skin I recommend this. I use it morning and in the evening and it really calms my skin. It is literally like a breath of fresh air in a bottle. It smells amazing, make my skin feel great and yea, I just love it.

That's all the bits from my splurge from this weekend. I do plan on reviewing a few of the items separately after I have had more time to play around with them. But I hope you have enjoyed my ramble and who knows a few of these things could be going on your 'want' lists.

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